I Wrote a Book! The Hybrid Teacher Survival Guide
At the risk of jinxing myself by writing about 2020 before it’s over. I’ve finally had a moment to reflect, take a deep breath, clean out...

7 Custom Banner Ideas For Your Google Classroom
Using the Google Classroom banner to upload custom images can be a great way to make your online learning space a more interesting,...

End-of-the-Year Activities for Remote Learning
The end of the school year is always such a fun, memorable, (and exhausting) time. In a traditional school environment there are field...

Progressive Stories via Google Docs
Similar to my previous post about doing group work via Google Meet + Docs, the progressive story activity is a pretty basic tech hack for...

Parlay - The Best Way to Facilitate Online Class Discussions
As an English teacher one of my favorite things to do is hold whole-class discussions on novels we're reading, articles, or any current...

Group Activity over Google Meet
Teaching online will never be the same as teaching in-person, and I don’t think we need to try and replicate every aspect of a live class...

When Schools Close Down, Parents Become Learning Coaches
Disclaimer: This article presumes a lot of privilege. It presumes that students have a home to begin with, then access to technology, and...

How I Organize My Google Classroom for Online Instruction
When I transitioned from full-time classroom teacher to hybrid school teacher (2.5 days/week in person and 2.5 days/week online) I...